Dress Code
The responsibility for student dress and grooming rests primarily with the students and their parents. It is the school’s responsibility to maintain and enforce a dress code that is both safe and presents a positive image to the school and community. Administration will determine what is appropriate for the school. Violations of the student dress code may incur changing or forfeiting of the inappropriate item, parental contact or disciplinary action. For reasons of spirit or student morale, modifications may be made on special days by the Administration.
Students shall appear in school and at school sponsored activities in dress that is clean, in good taste, and in a manner that will not tend to disrupt the school activity nor create a condition that would be adverse to the safety and health of the students. Student dress may be regulated if the administration deems said attire to be bizarre, offensive, disruptive or distracting to the educational process. After parent contact students may be sent home if a change of clothes is not available. Violations of these standards and guidelines shall be handled by the building principal and his/her designee who shall determine appropriate actions to be taken.
The following guidelines shall constitute the student dress code.
- Students shall, at all times, wear some kind of shoes and/or sandals.
- Shorts and skirts should provide adequate coverage to the thigh.
- Dark glasses are not to be worn unless prescribed by a doctor.
- All hats and head coverings worn are not to include vulgar, obscene, libelous, or denigrate others because of race, color, weight, religion, religious practice, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group, gender/sex, sexual orientation or disability, etc. If a student is asked to remove a hat or other headgear by any school personnel, the request must be honored promptly with no discussion.
- Style of dress that exposes the midriff is prohibited. This prohibition includes the exposure of the front, rear and sides of the waist. Tank tops, cutoff shirts or any garment, which reveals undergarments, are not appropriate. All tops should have two straps.
- Garments including head coverings that advertise or display illegal and/or inappropriate activities for young people (drugs, alcohol, violent activities, tobacco, promiscuity, guns, or reference to cults, gangs, etc.) are not permitted.
- Holes in clothing cannot reveal any undergarments.
- See-through leggings are not permitted.
- Students are NOT permitted to bring blankets/pillows/stuffed animals to school or walk around with blankets wrapped around any part of their body.