Grade 6
Courses for all students (full year)
- Science
- Social Studies
- Math or Advanced Math*
- Language Arts or Advanced Language Arts*
- Operation Advantage
*Some good general guidelines to consider for success in advanced courses are:
- MAP scores at 85 percentile +
- Regular attendance
- Grades at 80% +
- Ohio State Test scores are Advanced or Accelerated
- If you have any questions regarding placement, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.
Music Options
Music Options: (must pick at least one – please use scheduling form to make your choice)
If this is your student’s first year with a choral or instrumental music class, please reach out to the music teachers for readiness and support.
- Band
- Choir
- Orchestra
- Broadway Bound
- Music Appreciation (semester course)
Elective Courses
Elective Courses: Must pick at least one – please use the scheduling form to make your choice. Students will be enrolled in a combination of semester electives. (All are semester courses)
Asian Exploration
Students serviced through IEPs will be scheduled in conjunction with IEP needs.
Art: An introductory art course that teaches students to apply artistic and reasoning skills to imagine, create, reflect and discuss artwork in conventional and innovative ways. Art class makes relevant connections between contemporary art and the lives of students. Students will use their computer, as well as classroom art supplies to explore art-making techniques. Art class observes Ohio’s Visual Art standards which can be found on the Ohio Department of Education’s website.
Asian Exploration: Asian Exploration is a historical and cultural exploration of Asia. Students will develop a keener understanding of how Asia have evolved, as well as how people currently live in this area of the world. Cultural traditions, education, food and religions will be discussed.
Broadway Bound: Do you love musicals and theatre and want to know more about this art form? Broadway Bound is a study of musical theatre in America. Students will participate in class activities such as acting, improvisation, singing and dancing. In addition, students will be introduced to many behind the scenes aspects of what it takes to put on and run a Broadway musical. There is no performance requirement for this class outside of class time.'
Choir: The Lewis F. Mayer Middle School Choirs are open to all middle school students. Members of each choir are introduced to basic vocal skills and techniques for performing in a choral ensemble. Music selections will consist of a variety of 2 and 3-part music. Students are given opportunities to perform at higher levels as skills improve. There will be a concentration on sight singing and music reading skills. During the fourth quarter, the Choirs will incorporate the element of movement with choreography as well as Pop and Broadway vocal techniques. Evening concerts are required.;
Operation Advantage: Operation Advantage (OA) is a course that truly places students at the center of their learning. Built around the Fairview Advantage skills of collaborate, communicate, and create, students work together to acquire and sharpen soft skills such as: goal setting, making plans to accomplish goals, gathering evidence and taking notes in a reflective, organized manner, and preparing for assessments. In addition to the academic skills focused on in class, the students will also gain insight and learn strategies to cope with stress and anxiety, as well as training in compassion, empathy, anti-bullying/cyberbullying, and the importance of being kind to others. OA, as it is affectionately called, is genuinely about preparing and helping the students to be successful in all aspects of their lives.
Music Appreciation: Music Appreciation is the study of music from the medieval period to present day including popular music, world music, music technology, and music business. Melody, rhythm, form, and texture will be covered to develop perceptive listening. This all-inclusive music course will provide students with a broader view of music opportunities in the Western and global world with an in-depth look at various popular artists that shaped popular music through the 20th century. There is no prerequisite. Neither an ability to read music nor any other background in music is required.
Physical Education/Health: Physical Education is organized to include group games, individual and team sports activities. Motor skill development, lower game skills, and promotion of positive socialization will be the major objectives. The instructional program in sports may include soccer, swimming, volleyball, basketball, softball, and tennis.
STEAM: In this course, students will have opportunities to explore their own interests while developing knowledge and skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. They will apply a design process and use fabrication equipment like 3D printers to create solutions to problems. What they learn in this course will contribute to their overall academic success.